Approved by UGC / Applied for SCOPUS e-ISSN: 2348-4330

About Journal of Postharvest Technology

The Journal of Postharvest Technology provides a forum for the rapid dissemination of significantly novel and high impact research in the field of postharvest technology. The scope of Journal of Postharvest Technology is assessed and modified on regular basis to cope with the developments in this area. The journal welcomes the submissions prepared critically and containing novel, original and relevant research on scientific, biological and technological aspects related to postharvest life of foods. This involves manuscripts dealing with postharvest processing, preservation, packaging, handling and storage of all types foods. All manuscripts should be novel either in terms of outcome, approach or methods used. Manuscripts having technical relevance and playing a role in advancing current scientific knowledge will be preferred. The journal also encourages the submissions with practical applications for food industries. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications, perspectives, letters to the editors and book reviews.  read more..


  • Approved by UGC
  • The Journal of Postharvest Technology (eISSN: 2348-4330) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.